AUDIO More ...
  • Storm and Serenity
  • Shawshank Redemption: Suds on The Roof
  • The Mummy - Imhotep
  • The Shadows Unveiled
  • Trembling Secrets
  • Toccata Twirl (featuring runs)
  • Coexisting Opposites - Imagevideo
  • Flying Candles
  • This is Our Homeland
  • A New Prince
  • Maleficient - Welcome to the Moors

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Synchron Series Collection

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Standard Lib. + Extended Lib. = Full Library

When you start with the Standard Library („Stereo Library Download“), you may easily upgrade to the Full Library („Multi Library Download“) at any time – you’ll only pay for the Extended Library portion of the product.

Free articulation expansion! Hard staccatos and sustains without vibrato are now available as a free bonus for all registered users of Synchron Duality Strings (regular).

Two Ensembles, One Limitless Experience

  • Two acoustically isolated string ensembles performing simultaneously at Synchron Stage Vienna
  • Large ensemble recorded on the iconic Stage A
  • Smaller ensemble recorded in the smaller, dryer Stage B
  • Use them in combination or separately
  • Available with combined mic options and mixer presets
  • Dark and bright mic setups
  • Seamlessly blend the large broad ensemble with the closer-miked small ensemble
  • Comprehensive collection of articulations

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This extensive collection delivers the best of both worlds – a large ambient string ensemble, and a dry chamber-sized ensemble, with 100% matching performances. Regardless of how you use them, in combination or separately, Synchron Duality Strings delivers a magnificent sound with unprecedented flexibility and countless expressive possibilities, from intimate intensity to passionate power, and everything in between.

Create your own blend

While the mic setup in Stage A delivers the broad, sought-after string ensemble sound featured in countless movies and TV series, the smaller ensemble in Stage B was recorded with two different sets of microphones, offering bright and dark sounding variants. This unique approach gave Synchron Stage Vienna’s chief engineer, Bernd Mazagg, the ability to create mixer presets with unprecedented flexibility and creative options. It also enables you to customize your own string sound organically and effortlessly within the Synchron Player.

Beyond the wholly different ambiences of the two spaces, the ensembles themselves provide useful contrast. Where the larger ensemble has a fuller, more symphonic sound, the smaller ensemble provides a transparent and clear tonality that adds a certain immediacy when blended with the larger group. Both ensembles feature Vienna’s best musicians from the renowned Synchron Stage Orchestra and performing at the highest levels of musicality.

Extensive articulations, easily accessible

All articulations were played “senza sordino” (without mutes) and include a wide variety of short notes, long notes, various legato variations (normal, agile, slurred, portamento), espressivo, with various attacks and note releases, plus pizzicato, col legno, tremolo variants, fast repetitions, trills, harmonics, glissandos, legato and détaché runs, and much more. In addition to the Synchron Player’s usual articulation switching capabilities, there’s now a new category of preconfigured patches that allows you to switch articulations using key velocity, e.g., between spiccato and staccato, between different attacks of détachés and long notes, between up and down movements of glissandos and runs, etc.

Standard & Full Library

The Standard Library and Full Library of Synchron Duality Strings (regular) both include the same articulations. The difference lies in the number of provided microphone positions.

STAGE A Standard Library Full Library
1. Solo Mic (Mono)
2. Mid Mic (L/R)
3. Ribbon Mic (L/R)  
4. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Stereo (L/R)
5. Main/Room Mic – Decca Tree Mono (Center)
6. Main Surround – Stereo (L/R)  
7. High Stereo (3D) – Stereo (L/R)  
8. High Surround (3D) – Stereo (L/R)  

STAGE B Standard Library Full Library
1. Dark Mics (L/R)
2. Bright Mics (L/R)  
The Standard Library and the upgrade to the Full Library (sometimes referred to as the Extended Library) are separate downloads.
Quote Ronit Kirchman

Standard Library Full Library
Sample Amount 328,926 603,031
Download File Size 54.1 GB 105.8 GB
Installed File Size 121.2 GB 242.3 GB