Synchron Percussion II
AUDIO More ...
  • Memories - Synchron Percussion II mixed
  • The Giant's Lullaby - Synchron Percussion II mixed
  • Icebergs - Synchron Percussion II mixed
  • Soft Power - Synchron Timpani II, soft mallets
  • Keep on Grooving - Synchron Drums & Toms II
  • One Bass Drum for 2 - Synchron Drums II
  • Hope - Synchron Mallets II
  • Dans le Salon - Synchron Mallets II, Vibraphone
  • Memories of the East - Synchron Cymbals & Gongs II
  • Gong Vibrations - Synchron Cymbals & Gongs II
  • Focus on Memories - Synchron Bells II

Open External Player


Synchron Series Collection

Calculating your price

Standard Lib. + Extended Lib. = Full Library

When you start with the Standard Library („Stereo Library Download“), you may easily upgrade to the Full Library („Multi Library Download“) at any time – you’ll only pay for the Extended Library portion of the product.

Special Offer through July 31, 2024!

Striking Revelations

This second installment of the extremely detailed percussion sample recordings at Synchron Stage Vienna adds a new arsenal of fine instruments to the Synchron Series. As with the first collection, the instruments were captured at the large “Stage A” of our own scoring stage with the same multi-microphone setup that makes their pristine sound extremely flexible.


Included Instruments

  • 5 Timpani (Adams, C2–C#4, hit with a soft beater)
  • 10 Taikos (Kolberg, 8" to 53")
  • 6 Roto-toms (Kolberg, 6" to 16")
  • Bass drum 2 (Lefima 28")
  • Tam-tam 3 (Wuhan, 70 cm)
  • Burma gongs (Kolberg, C2–C6)
  • 7 China gongs (Kolberg Peking Opera Gongs)
  • Vibraphone (Musser M55)
  • Crotales (Bergerault, C6–C8)
  • Plate bells (Kolberg, C2–C7)
  • 3 Temple bells
  • 2 Thundersheets
  • Wind machine
  • Rainmaker
  • 3 Ratchets
  • 2 Vibraslaps
  • 3 Slapsticks
  • Lion’s roar
  • 2 Waldteufel
  • Log drums
  • 4 Anvils

For detailed information on each instrument please refer to the descriptions of the separately available instrument groups.



All instruments include single strokes in many velocity layers and several round robins, rolls and effect articulations. For some instruments, rolls are available in two variants: “Static” rolls are recorded without changing dynamics and allow you to transition smoothly through velocity layers from pianissimo to fortissimo. “Dynamic” rolls were recorded with their dynamic changes (crescendos and diminuendos) performed over various lengths. You may release the key at any time – the individually adapted release samples will be triggered automatically.

Included MIDI loops for taikos and timpani make it easy to create driving rhythms. Just pre-listen in the Synchron Player and drag them into your DAW.

Quote Pierre Esteve


Every instrument was recorded using 12 microphones. You may select from four microphone positions (Standard Library) or seven different microphone positions (Full Library) and mix them to your liking, using the full-fledged mixer of the Vienna Synchron Player.

Microphone Positions of the Full Library:

  1. Close Mic – Mono
  2. Mid Layer Mic – Stereo (L/R)
  3. Main/Room Mic  – Decca Tree Stereo (L/R)
  4. Main/Room Mic  – Decca Tree Mono (Center)
  5. Main Surround – Stereo (L/R)
  6. High Stereo (3D) – Stereo (L/R)
  7. High Surround (3D) – Stereo (L/R)

Standard Library includes positions 1-4.

Synchron Percussion II - Recording Setup

Microphone and instrument setup (click for larger image)

Mixer Presets

Each instrument comes with a variety of mixer presets that include traditional Decca Tree configurations with variations such as Close, Classical, Wide, Distant and Ambient, but also processed signals with algorithmic reverb, compression, delays and effects for “Low Boom”, “Power Timps”, “Far Away Echoes” and many more. “Surround to Stereo” feeds the surround and high surround mics to the stereo signal for a richer and wider sound. Also included are “Surround” presets for 5.1 applications and 3D audio setups such as Auro 3D and Dolby Atmos.
A new feature of the Synchron Player lets you place each single drum (where available, such as timpani, taiko drums, roto toms) in the stereo panorama. Instead of automatically placing the entire setup, e.g., the five timpani, on its spot on stage, you can use the new “Output Config” feature to route each close-miked drum to its own channel.

Standard Library Full Library
Sample Amount 191,324 334,817
Download File Size 62.6 GB 130.4 GB
Installed File Size 62.6 GB 130.4 GB