Synchron Series Collection

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Standard Lib. + Extended Lib. = Full Library

When you start with the Standard Library („Stereo Library Download“), you may easily upgrade to the Full Library („Multi Library Download“) at any time – you’ll only pay for the Extended Library portion of the product.

Synchron Bells II

Synchron Bells II is a subset of the Synchron Percussion II Collection and contains plate bells and temple bells.

Plate bells were first employed in ancient Asia. By the 19th century the likes of Verdi and Berlioz had introduced them to the modern orchestra and they were further developed into a chromatically tuned array in the 20th century. In the orchestra, plate bells are mainly used to substitute real bells. Due to their rich overtone spectrum, they are especially well suited for lending tonal color and accents.


While most orchestrations utilize a two-octave range, the plate bells of Synchron Percussion II are available in an unusually broad range of five octaves (C2–C7). The plate bells were recorded with up to four dynamic layers and four round robins for single strokes, played with a bell hammer as well as with a metal mallet, resulting in a very bright sound. There is also a bowed effect articulation.

Temple bells, standing bells or singing bowls developed out of traditional Far Eastern kitchenware. Similar instruments can be found in traditional Zen Buddhism. Today they are often used for meditation and for therapy. Temple bells have a round, warm sound with a calming effect.

The temple bells of Synchron Percussion II were recorded with up to four dynamic layers and four round robins. They were hit with soft, hard, and triangle beaters, rubbed with clappers, and bowed.

12 Microphones

Every instrument was recorded using 12 microphones. You may select from four microphone positions (Standard Library) or seven different microphone positions (Full Library) and mix them to your liking, directly in the Vienna Synchron Player. Use the included and perfectly fine-tuned presets as a starting point for your own sonic creations. The performances in Stage A were captured in stereo using a Decca tree, and additional microphone arrays were utilized for 5.1 surround and Auro 3D 9.1.

Microphone Positions of the Full Library:

  1. Close Mic – Mono
  2. Mid Layer Mic – Stereo (L/R)
  3. Main/Room Mic  – Decca Tree Stereo (L/R)
  4. Main/Room Mic  – Decca Tree Mono (Center)
  5. Main Surround – Stereo (L/R)
  6. High Stereo (3D) – Stereo (L/R)
  7. High Surround (3D) – Stereo (L/R)

Standard Library includes positions 1-4.

Synchron Percussion II - Recording Setup

Microphone and instrument setup (click for larger image)

Standard Library Full Library
Sample Amount 15,652 27,391
Download File Size 4.6 GB 9.7 GB
Installed File Size 4.6 GB 9.7 GB